May 2022 Partners Meeting

We hope this note finds you all well. Spring has sprung in many parts of the country, and tulips and daffodils are providing a pop of color after a cold winter.
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March Madness and the 60/40 Portfolio

By: Kate Hennessy, CFP®

So, which was born first?  The March Madness tournament or the “60/40 Portfolio?”  The legendary 60/40 portfolio dates back to 1926, and through 2021 had enjoyed a nice steady average annualized return 9.1%. For you basketball fanatics, the March Madness tournament was born 13 years later on March 17, 1939 and was the idea of Ohio State head coach Howard Olsen.

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Rates, Inflation, Covid & Ukraine

By: Patrick R. Cote CFA, CFP®

What the heck is going on with interest rates?  You might have noticed that after years of being extremely low, they started to creep up in 2022 but then just took a big drop back again over the last couple of weeks.  What does it all mean, and how does it impact you?

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I recently hosted an evening with friends, food and wine where we discussed the current state of markets, the unique needs of women investors and the importance of aligning your investments with your goals.

The audience was diverse: single, married, small business owners, contractors working from home and retirees.  Their perspectives and questions were equally diverse.

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Managing Debt


Just like your favorite ice cream, debt comes in a variety of flavors – student loans, credit cards, and mortgages are just a few that come to mind.  The majority of people have a variety of debt with varying interest rates.  An interest rate is the amount a lender charges a borrower and is typically a percentage of the amount loaned. In the next few paragraphs we’ll cover some statistics and tips on how to manage debt.

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It’s Not Too Late


Are you one of many small business owners who finds that business has never been better?  After facing periods of uncertainty these past two years, many clients now note that they are having one of their best years ever.  If you find yourself in this fortunate position, it’s not too late to save for your own

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Extra Cash? Don’t Let it Cost You!

BY: Pat Cote, CFA, CFP®

The pandemic has had a terrible impact on many people from both a health and a financial perspective.  However, a significant number of people have found their incomes rising, while at the same time their spending has actually gone down (with fewer travel options and long waits for big-ticket items like cars).  This has created the happy problem of “extra” cash for some folks.

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Top 10 Year-End Tips

It’s that time of year again! While we are in the midst of enjoying the holiday season, the last thing many of us want to do is to think about taxes and finances.  However, taking a few minutes to focus on some specific areas can make a big difference.

With that in mind, we prepared a list of 10 key items to focus on before 12/31.

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Year-End Tax Planning – Take action now to reduce your taxes


Finding time to think about tax planning now may seem premature.  However, now is exactly when you need to be thinking about your year-end tax planning and more importantly; talking with your Advisor, your tax professional, or attorney as well.  Make sure you have time to implement the strategy

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