Why We Should All Put a Credit Freeze in Place

By: Patrick Cote, CFA, CFP®

We believe credit freezes are one of the most effective, yet least-discussed, techniques to prevent identity theft.  They might be little-known because no one, including the credit bureaus, actually makes any money from a credit freeze – unlike credit locks, they are now provided for free.   Putting a credit freeze in place prevents the credit bureaus from sharing your credit report with any third parties, which makes it hard to establish new credit.  The freezes are very helpful

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2 Steps to Protect Your Social Security Information

By: Susan Powers, CFA, CPA, CFP®, CPFA

Too many of us have been victims of some type of identity theft but there are many things we can do to help protect ourselves.  This month we each discuss steps you can take now.  These suggested actions are not too time consuming, some are simply good habits we need to remind ourselves to follow.

Step 1 – create your personal my Social Security account. 

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Three Ways to Prevent Identity Theft

By: Kate Hennessy, CFP®

As someone who had her purse stolen and was then a victim of identity theft, I am acutely aware of both my physical and financial security. It’s not fun when a bad actor swipes your bag or your personal information.  Although there are multiple steps to prevent your identity from being stolen, in this article I highlight three that sometimes people overlook but should incorporate into their daily lives.

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Is Now a Good Time to Refinance Your Home?

By: Susan Powers, CFA, CPA, CFP®, CPFA

Is now a good time to refinance your home? First determine how long you plan to stay in your home, consider your financial goals and know your credit score, all play a role in your decision about whether - and when - to refinance.

With rates this low, it is worth your time to see what is best for your specific situation.

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Financial Planning for Twenty-Somethings

By: Kate Hennessy, CFP®

As an aunt to 19 nephews and nieces, most of whom are in their 20’s, I often get questions from them about financial planning.  Just getting started in the “real world” can be daunting enough. Here are three financial planning tips to consider for the twenty-somethings in your life:

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2020 Year End Tax Planning

By: Susan Powers, CFA, CPA, CFP®, CPFA

COVID-19 brought financial changes and challenges to many this year and Congress responded with relief packages for both businesses and individuals which may have an impact on your 2020 taxes.  As a result, tax planning is critically

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Wild Stock Market? Stay the Course.

By: Patrick Cote, CFA, CFP®

As we near the end of the year, it is worth taking a step back to think about where we are from an investment perspective.  Although 2020 has been a challenging year for society as a whole, both stocks and bonds have posted good returns year-to-date

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Death and Taxes – 3 Reasons Why You Need an Estate Plan

By: Patrick Cote

Ben Franklin famously said nothing is certain except death and taxes.  Given that estate plans are focused on both, you would think we would all want to get an estate plan in place.  However, since they involve paperwork and thinking about our own death, it is no surprise that many of us have not updated, or even started, our estate plans.  The pandemic has made many of us mor

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