

  • Are a HENRY (High Earner, Not Rich Yet).
  • Are ready to take control of your finances and manage your wealth.
  • Have big plans for your life and want a financial plan that will support your goals.
  • Want to make the best financial decisions, but don’t have the time and energy to do so.

We’re here to help.  Managing and optimizing your finances shouldn’t be a daunting task, and we can help you manage your wealth for sustainable, long-term success .


Build Your Financial Plan 

We’ll help you build a fully-customized financial plan that complements your current lifestyle  and aspirations. Your individual financial plan will take into account:

  • Your savings needs, including retirement, college, and any other goals.
  • Your risk preferences
  • Your current assets and accounts
  • Your future goals, like buying a vacation home or supporting a family member.


Set Up Your Investments 

A smart investor has a solid portfolio. We’ll help you set up your investments in a way that best reflects your financial plan. While setting up your portfolio, we’ll be sure to:

  • Simplify multiple investment accounts
  • Optimize asset allocation
  • Minimize taxes
  • Link all your key financial information to keep you up to date


Monitor Your Investments 

Markets change, and life happens.  We know how important it is for your portfolio to stay aligned with your needs, which is why we are constantly monitoring your investments to improve your long-term performance. It’s not about panicking or chasing markets—it’s about smart, deliberate decisions.

As we monitor your portfolio, we’ll:

  • Adjust regular contributions to accommodate your current financial situation
  • Rebalance investments to keep your investments aligned with your target asset allocation
  • Seek opportunities for tax-loss harvesting

You’ll be able to view and manage your entire portfolio with our client portal. Know where everything is and what everything is worth.


Our Investment Philosophy

Our investment philosophy is comprised of the following three pillars:

  • Limited tactical asset allocation – not trying to time the market, since most people have not been able to do so consistently over time.  We stick to a long-term approach by focusing on the target asset allocation.
  • Passive investing (index funds or ETFs) where it makes sense, such as large-cap US stocks, and active investing (non-index funds) for areas where managers have had more success beating the benchmark, such as high yield bonds.
  • Portfolio rebalancing regularly, which forces buying low and selling high.  This is hard for most folks to do, since emotionally most of us are wired to do the opposite.


Here's a sneak peek of what you'll get at AssetGrade


Our Service Fees 

Investors who work with an advisor tend to fare better. Advisors help to make sure your assets are invested appropriately, encourage right long-term behavior, implement the best asset allocation strategy, keep costs down, and monitor and rebalancing effectively.  While a typical advisor fee is about 1%, a Vanguard study shows that working with an advisor can add about 3% in net returns each year. Learn more. 

At AssetGrade, we strive to be fair and transparent and to keep the costs low for our clients. We do not receive hidden commissions or charge hidden fees.  Minimum assets of $750K across accounts (minimum fee of $7500).


Portfolio Value Annual Fee
First $2,000,000 1.00%
$2,000,000 - $5,000,000 0.85%
$5,000,000 - $10,000,000 0.70%
Over $10,000,000 0.55%


Ready to learn more? Contact us for a free 30-minute conversation.